Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping & Delivery
We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operate in over 200 countries and islands worldwide. Nothing means more to us than bringing our customers great value plus the best online service. We look forward to continuing to grow in order to meet your needs, delivering a service beyond all expectations anywhere on earth.

Where do you ship from? What shipping methods do you use?
All our packages ship from our warehouses in Australia, Asia or Europe, depending on the ordered product(s) and your location. Items sent from our AUS warehouse will be shipped by Australia Post. Packages shipped from our America, Europe & Asia warehouses will ship via EMS, ePacket, First-Class Package International or Registered Airmail depending on the weight, size of the product(s) and your location.

Do you ship worldwide?
Yes. We provide free shipping to many countries around the world. However, there are a few countries we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be located in one of these countries, we will let you know.

What about customs?
We are not responsible for any custom fees once the items have shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages will be shipped to you and you may have to pay local customs fees when they arrive in your country.

How long does shipping take?
Shipping time varies by location. Please be patient due to the recent worldwide pandemic, logistics have slowed down and will take a little longer than our usual shipping times. These are our estimates:

Location *Estimated Shipping Time
United States                        10-20 Business days
Canada, Europe                    10-20 Business days
Australia, New Zealand        7-14 Business days
Central & South America     20-40 Business days
Rest of the World                 20-45 Business days
*This doesn’t include our 2-5 day processing time.

Do you provide tracking information?
Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships including your tracking information. If you haven’t received your tracking info within 5 working days after placing your order, please contact us.

I’m unable to track my order / My tracking says “no information available at the moment”
For some shipping companies, it takes up to 2-5 business days for the tracking information to be updated on their system. If you received your tracking number more than 5 business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number, please contact us.

Will my items be sent in one package?
For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you’ve specified combined shipping. Don’t worry though, you will get all products within the estimated delivery time and you won’t get any sort of extra shipping charges for this. All items on our store ship for FREE no matter how many you order.

What's your return policy?
Instead of returning items, you can contact us for a full refund. Why? Returns run counter to our emphasis on sustainability: every return has a carbon footprint. So just tell us what went wrong, send along a pic, and we’ll give you your money back in full. Then, if possible, you can donate your product to a local charity.

Can I cancel my order?
Cancellations are possible if you do not receive your package within the timeframe specified for each product. Sometimes orders get sent out before we can process the cancelation. So if you cancel your order but still receive the package, then please go ahead and do one of three things: recycle it, donate it, or enjoy it.

What happens if I receive the wrong item?
If there’s an issue with your order -- if it’s the wrong size, wrong color, defective, or otherwise not exactly what you wanted -- then simply notify us, and we’ll give you a refund. You won’t be asked to ship the product back to us.

Do you offer exchanges?
We do not offer exchanges. However, if for any reason you didn’t get the exact product you expected, just let us know and we’ll get you a new one.

If you have any further questions or inquiries, please contact us, we will do our best to help you out.